Author Archives: Writer

Things to Look for When Choosing a Shipping Material Supplier

Unlike hiring a plumber or HVAC technician—which can be as easy as performing a quick Google search—choosing the right shipping supplier can be a challenging task. The reason the selection process is hard is that the shipping industry is complicated. Luckily, we’re here to help make your decision easier. This post will cover a few […]

Tips to Pack Like a Pro

We all know the importance of packing items to ship—if you’re careless with the way the items are packaged, they’ll likely end up crushed, broken, dented or otherwise damaged on their way to their destination. The more fragile your items, the more likely you’ll have a lot of disappointed customers. Good packing starts with quality […]

Why Are Edge Protectors Important for Shipping?

There’s nothing worse than opening an eagerly-anticipated package, only to find out that the contents were damaged during shipping—unless you’re the business owner and that shipping damage cuts into your bottom line. Boxes are often damaged when stacked on pallets—forklift accidents and dropping can lead to damaged, dented and torn boxes around the perimeter of […]

How to Protect Your Furniture When Moving

Moving your home or office is a very stressful time filled with activity and anxiety. You’re worried about getting settled in your new place, making sure that all of your belongings will fit and stressing over everyone doing their part in making sure the process is smooth and seamless. One thing in particular that many […]

Five Tips on How to Pack a Moving Truck

Anyone who has ever loaded a dishwasher knows that many people have different definitions of what a “well-packed” machine really entails. This can be a source of domestic discord, but it’s hardly the end of the world if the bowls are on the bottom rack instead of the top one. This can change when it […]