Moving is a huge undertaking. There are so many logistics to handle and so many pieces that have to come together to get you into your new home. In the midst of the madness, one small detail can make a huge impact: moving box labels in OH.
The simple act of labeling your moving boxes might not seem significant, but it is. The secret is not just to do it, but to do it and do it correctly. If you’re about to pack up all your worldly possessions and head to a new address, here’s what you need to know about moving box labels in OH.
When to label
It might be tempting to label a box as you begin to pack. You might think, “I’m going to fill this box with dishes, so I’ll write ‘dishes’ on the label, then fill it.” Don’t do it. Don’t complete your moving box labels in OH until after you have finished packing the box. This ensures you label it precisely. For example, maybe you have a little extra room in the top of that box and place your spices in there with the dishes. But if you have already labeled it “dishes,” and don’t change it to “dishes and spices” after you’ve packed it, you’ll be digging through boxes for hours trying to find the salt two days after you move.
You should also avoid the mistake of labeling the box long after you’ve packed it. Inevitably, you’ll forget exactly what is inside the box. Precision is important, to help you stay organized as you pack and unpack, and in case the moving company loses a box or it gets damaged during the process.
For the best results, complete your moving box labels in OH immediately after you’ve packed the box. Close it, seal it, fill out the label and you’re done.
How to label
There are a variety of ways to use moving box labels in OH. The point is to make it clear what the box contains, where it should go and how it should be handled.
To get these points across, you should label each box carefully. On the label, include what is inside the box (Jimmy’s clothes, DVDs, dinner plates, etc.). You should also designate the box’s contents to a room (kitchen, Jimmy’s room, rec room, etc.). If there are any breakables inside the box, be sure to add “fragile” or “handle with care” on the box’s exterior. If you are using movers, but will be moving some boxes yourself, include “do not move” on any boxes the movers should leave for you to handle.
You can also use color coding to add organization to your box labeling. For example, use blue labels or markers for bathroom boxes, yellow for the kitchen and so on.
Whether you want to use colors or simply use a black marker and standard moving box labels in OH, the goal is to remain consistent with your labeling to create a system that keeps you and the movers organized.
We have the supplies you need
If you need moving box labels in OH or any other packing supplies, contact the team at Lamberson Packaging Solutions. We are proud to offer over 18,000 quality products from trusted brands like 3M, Sealed Air, Tape Logic, Rubbermaid, iVEX and many more. Our mission is to be the single-source answer to all of our customers’ packaging needs.